Ohwada H, Nakayama T, Tomono Y, Yakanaka K. An eipemiological study on anemia among institutionalized people with intellectual and/or motor disability with special reference to its frequency, severety and predictors. MC Public Health. 2006 Apr 3;6:85

Ohwada H, Nakayama T, Tomono Y, Yakanaka K. An eipemiological study on anemia among institutionalized people with intellectual and/or motor disability with special reference to its frequency, severety and predictors. MC Public Health. 2006 Apr 3;6:85


Wat is bloedarmoede? Bij bloedarmoede (anemie) bevat het bloed te weinig rode bloedcellen of zit er te weinig hemoglobine (Hb) in deze cellen. Hierdoor wordt er minder zuurstof vervoerd. Er zijn drie...
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