Ohwada H, Nakayama T, Tomono Y, Yakanaka K. An eipemiological study on anemia among institutionalized people with intellectual and/or motor disability with special reference to its frequency, severety and predictors. MC Public Health. 2006 Apr 3;6:85

Ohwada H, Nakayama T, Tomono Y, Yakanaka K. An eipemiological study on anemia among institutionalized people with intellectual and/or motor disability with special reference to its frequency, severety and predictors. MC Public Health. 2006 Apr 3;6:85


What is anaemia? Anaemia means that the blood contains too few red blood cells, or that there is not enough haemoglobin (Hb) in these cells. As a result, less oxygen is transported in the blood. There...
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