Borrie MJ, Campbell K, Arcese ZA, Bray J, Hart P, Labate T, Hesch P. Urinary retention in patients in a geriatric rehabilitation unit: prevalence, risk factors, and validity of bladder scan evaluation. Rehabil Nurs. 2001 Sep-Oct;26(5):187-91.

Borrie MJ, Campbell K, Arcese ZA, Bray J, Hart P, Labate T, Hesch P. Urinary retention in patients in a geriatric rehabilitation unit: prevalence, risk factors, and validity of bladder scan evaluation. Rehabil Nurs. 2001 Sep-Oct;26(5):187-91.


Wat is urineretentie? Urineretentie betekent het ophopen van urine in de blaas doordat de lediging van de blaas gestoord is. Urineretentie kan acuut zijn of chronisch. Bij acute retentie leegt de...
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