What is a hernia?
A hernia (or, more specifically, an inguinal hernia) is a protrusion from the abdominal cavity through an opening in the groin area. Sometimes it is not possible to reposition the section of intestine concerned. The loop of intestine may then get trapped in the opening and be strangulated, and this may lead to the necrosis of the tissue and the perforation of the intestine.
What are the complaints associated with a hernia?
A hernia causes discomfort, pain and a swelling in the groin.
People with intellectual disabilities sometimes find it impossible to communicate these symptoms. The people around them may then notice only a change in behaviour. Large hernias can cause cosmetic complaints.
How common are hernias in the general population?
No exact information is available about the incidence or prevalence rates for hernia. The lifetime risk of hernia surgery is 27% in men and 3% in women.
How common are hernias in people with intellectual disabilities?
No statistics are available about the frequency of hernia in people with intellectual disabilities. However, hernias have been observed more often (frequently as a congenital abnormality) in certain syndromes.
For example, people with Williams syndrome have an increased risk (40%).
People with Prader Willi syndrome are also admitted to hospital more often during their lifetimes for hernia surgery.
539European Hernia Socety. Treatment of inguinal hernia in adults. European Hernia Society Guidelines 2008.
European Hernia Socety. Treatment of inguinal hernia in adults. European Hernia Society Guidelines 2008.
246Simons MP, de Lange D, Beets GL, van Geldere D, Heij HA, Go PMNYH. Richtlijn ‘Liesbreuk’ van de Nederlandse Vereniging voor Heelkunde. Ned Tijdschr Geneeskd. 2003;147:2111-7
Simons MP, de Lange D, Beets GL, van Geldere D, Heij HA, Go PMNYH. Richtlijn ‘Liesbreuk’ van de Nederlandse Vereniging voor Heelkunde. Ned Tijdschr Geneeskd. 2003;147:2111-7
247NVAVG en platform VG. Medische begeleiding van mensen met het williamssyndroom. 2009.
NVAVG en platform VG. Medische begeleiding van mensen met het williamssyndroom. 2009.
540Sinnema M, Maaskant MA, van Schrojenstein Lantman-de Valk HM, Boer H, Curfs LM, Schrander-Stumpel CT. The use of medical care and the prevalence of serious illness in an adult Prader-Willi syndrome cohort. Eur J Med Genet. 2013 Aug;56(8):397-403
Sinnema M, Maaskant MA, van Schrojenstein Lantman-de Valk HM, Boer H, Curfs LM, Schrander-Stumpel CT. The use of medical care and the prevalence of serious illness in an adult Prader-Willi syndrome cohort. Eur J Med Genet. 2013 Aug;56(8):397-403