What is overweight?
Overweight is when people weigh more than is good for their health. That is easy to determine with the Body Mass Index (BMI). The BMI shows the ratio between weight and height. A BMI of 25 to 30 indicates moderate overweight, with a value of 30 or above indicating severe overweight (obesity). A large waist size indicates primarily that fat is accumulating around the waist, which is associated with a higher risk of cardiovascular disease.
What are the complaints associated with overweight?
Overweight (with fat distribution around the torso and particularly the belly) is associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, some forms of cancer, gall bladder conditions, joint conditions, sleep apnoea (a sleep disorder affecting breathing), gout, infertility, menstrual disorders, and psychological and social problems. Overweight people also exercise less because they find it difficult or because their condition is poor, and this exacerbates overweight.
How common is overweight in the general population?
In 2007, 45% of the Dutch population aged twenty and over were moderately or severely overweight: 51% of men and 40% of women. Moderate overweight was seen in 41% of men and severe overweight in 10%. Moderate overweight was seen in 28% of women and severe overweight in 12%.
In older people between the ages of 50 and 70, overweight was found in 43% and obesity in 16% as measured using the BMI. Obesity based on waist size was 44%.
How common is overweight in people with intellectual disabilities?
The Dutch GOUD study of older people with intellectual disabilities found that moderate BMI overweight was as common as in the general population at 38% but that there was more severe BMI obesity: 26%. Central obesity, which is determined on the basis of waste circumference, is as common as in the general population: 46%. Women, older people and people with milder intellectual disabilities who live more independently and are more independent in terms of daily skills such as cooking and shopping are more likely to be overweight or obese. The use of atypical antipsychotics (a particular type of behavioural medication) leads to an increased risk of obesity.
The European POMONA questionnaire survey looked at a random sample of 1269 adults with intellectual disabilities and found that 50.5% were overweight: moderate overweight was seen in 28.2% and severe overweight in 22.3%.
An English study of 1119 adults aged 20 years and over with intellectual disabilities found a prevalence for moderate overweight of 28% and a prevalence for severe overweight of 20.7% (the combined prevalence was therefore 48.7%).
In a Dutch study, 32% of 744 adults with intellectual disabilities had moderate overweight and 10% had severe overweight (the combined prevalence was therefore 42%). The risk groups were women, people with mild, very mild or moderate intellectual disabilities, older people and people with Down syndrome.
The prevalence of overweight in people with Down syndrome is 31 to 47%.
Other syndromes associated with overweight include Angelman syndrome, Prader Willi syndrome, Turner syndrome, Bardet Biedl syndrome and 48,xxxy syndromes.
An English study has drawn attention to the risk of overfeeding children with cerebral palsy when they are fed using a gastrostomy tube (a 'PEG tube').
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