Van der Horst HE, De Wit NJ, Quartero AO, Muris JWM, Berger MY, Bijkerk CJ, Geijer RMM, Woutersen-Koch H. NHG-Standaard Prikkelbaredarmsyndroom (PDS) (Eerste herziening). Huisarts Wet 2012;55(5)204-9

Van der Horst HE, De Wit NJ, Quartero AO, Muris JWM, Berger MY, Bijkerk CJ, Geijer RMM, Woutersen-Koch H. NHG-Standaard Prikkelbaredarmsyndroom (PDS) (Eerste herziening). Huisarts Wet 2012;55(5)204-9

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)

What is the irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)? These are chronic or recurring intestinal complaints in which no physical cause can be identified. Another term is 'spastic colon'. An irritable bowel is...
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