Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)
What is the irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)?
These are chronic or recurring intestinal complaints in which no physical cause can be identified. Another term is 'spastic colon'. An irritable bowel is unpleasant but not harmful. In some people, the intestines appear to react strongly to stimuli such as stress or tension. The complaints may indicate that a particular situation is stressful.
What are the complaints associated with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)?
The symptoms may include: abdominal pain, bloated stomach, flatulence, irregular defecation with constipation (hard stools) or diarrhoea, or the alternation of these two symptoms, as well as slime in the faeces.
People with intellectual disabilities sometimes find it impossible to communicate these symptoms. The people around them may then notice only a change in behaviour.
How common is irritable bowel syndrome in the general population?
Irritable bowel syndrome is seen in 15% to 20% of women and 5% to 20% of men.
How common is irritable bowel syndrome in people with intellectual disabilities?
No studies have been conducted of IBS in people with intellectual disabilities.
5% to 20% General population
Not known for people with intellectual disabilities
241Van der Horst HE, De Wit NJ, Quartero AO, Muris JWM, Berger MY, Bijkerk CJ, Geijer RMM, Woutersen-Koch H. NHG-Standaard Prikkelbaredarmsyndroom (PDS) (Eerste herziening). Huisarts Wet 2012;55(5)204-9
Van der Horst HE, De Wit NJ, Quartero AO, Muris JWM, Berger MY, Bijkerk CJ, Geijer RMM, Woutersen-Koch H. NHG-Standaard Prikkelbaredarmsyndroom (PDS) (Eerste herziening). Huisarts Wet 2012;55(5)204-9
241Van der Horst HE, De Wit NJ, Quartero AO, Muris JWM, Berger MY, Bijkerk CJ, Geijer RMM, Woutersen-Koch H. NHG-Standaard Prikkelbaredarmsyndroom (PDS) (Eerste herziening). Huisarts Wet 2012;55(5)204-9
Van der Horst HE, De Wit NJ, Quartero AO, Muris JWM, Berger MY, Bijkerk CJ, Geijer RMM, Woutersen-Koch H. NHG-Standaard Prikkelbaredarmsyndroom (PDS) (Eerste herziening). Huisarts Wet 2012;55(5)204-9