Klaver CW, Wolfs CW, Vingerling R, Hofman A, de Jong TVM. Age-Specific Prevalence and Causes of Blindness en Visual Impairment in the Older Population; the Rotterdam study. Arch Ophthalmol. 1998;116:653-658.

Klaver CW, Wolfs CW, Vingerling R, Hofman A, de Jong TVM. Age-Specific Prevalence and Causes of Blindness en Visual Impairment in the Older Population; the Rotterdam study. Arch Ophthalmol. 1998;116:653-658.

Impaired vision, blindness

What are impaired vision and blindness? The WHO definition of impaired vision is that visual acuity (after correction!) is less than 0.3 but more than 0.05 or that the field of vision is less than 30...
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