O’ Brien G, Barnard L, Pearson J, Rippon L. Physical Health and Clinical Phenotypes. In: Prasher VP, Janicki MP. Physical Health of Adults with Intellectual Disabilities. Blackwell Publishing 2002. ISBN 978-1-4051-0219-3. p 35-62

O’ Brien G, Barnard L, Pearson J, Rippon L. Physical Health and Clinical Phenotypes. In: Prasher VP, Janicki MP. Physical Health of Adults with Intellectual Disabilities. Blackwell Publishing 2002. ISBN 978-1-4051-0219-3. p 35-62


What is overweight? Overweight is when people weigh more than is good for their health. That is easy to determine with the Body Mass Index (BMI). The BMI shows the ratio between weight and height. A...
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