Bhaumik S, Watson JM, Thorp CF, Tyrer F, McGrother CW.J. Body mass index in adults with intellectual disability: distribution, associations and service implications: a population- based prevalence study.Intellect Disabil Res. 2008 Apr;52(Pt 4):287-98

Bhaumik S, Watson JM, Thorp CF, Tyrer F, McGrother CW.J. Body mass index in adults with intellectual disability: distribution, associations and service implications: a population- based prevalence study.Intellect Disabil Res. 2008 Apr;52(Pt 4):287-98


What is underweight? Underweight is when people weigh less than is good for their health. That is easy to determine with the Body Mass Index (BMI). The BMI shows the ratio between weight and height...
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