Cimminiello, C., Kownator, S., Wautrecht, J. C., Carvounis, C. P., Kranendonk, S. E., Kindler, B., et al. (2011). The PANDORA study: Peripheral arterial disease in patients with non-high cardiovascular risk. Internal and Emergency Medicine, 6(6), 509–519

Cimminiello, C., Kownator, S., Wautrecht, J. C., Carvounis, C. P., Kranendonk, S. E., Kindler, B., et al. (2011). The PANDORA study: Peripheral arterial disease in patients with non-high cardiovascular risk. Internal and Emergency Medicine, 6(6), 509–519

Intermittent claudication

What is intermittent claudication? Intermittent claudication (a subcategory of peripheral artery disease) is a condition involving pain in the legs during exercise due to poor circulation in the...
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