Urinary retention
What is urinary retention?
Urinary retention means the accumulation of urine in the bladder owing to a condition affecting the emptying of the bladder. Urinary retention can be acute or chronic. In acute retention, the bladder does not empty despite a strong urge to urinate and there is a sudden painful accumulation of urine. In chronic retention, the bladder can no longer be fully emptied, resulting in a gradual, painless accumulation of urine in the bladder.
What are the complaints associated with urinary retention?
Symptoms of acute urinary retention develop within a few hours: abdominal pain and a disturbing and painful urge to urinate without being able to do so. In people who are particularly susceptible, such as elderly people, people with dementia, sensory disorders or polypharmacy, acute urinary retention is also associated with an increased risk of delirium: a reduction in consciousness involving disorientation, delusions and hallucinations, usually with, but sometimes without, agitation.
These unpleasant experiences can be seen as behavioural change, particularly in someone who is unable to communicate them adequately.
Chronic urinary retention does not usually cause pain. The symptoms usually develop slowly: a frequent urge to urinate; a swollen abdomen; it is difficult to start urinating; a weak urine jet that ends with dripping; in some cases, there can be urine leakage between visits to the lavatory. Urinary retention can cause kidney damage if urine cannot flow out of the kidneys and it may also cause recurring bladder infections.
How common is urinary retention in the general population?
The precise prevalence of urinary retention in the general population is not known. It is more common in men than in women. The incidence of acute urinary retention in adult males is 0.2% to 0.7%.
Chronic urinary retention is usually caused by an enlarged prostate, a condition seen in 8% of men aged over 40, 60% of men aged over 70 and 90% of men aged over 80.
The estimated prevalence of urinary retention in the geriatric population is 7 to 11%.
How common is urinary retention in people with intellectual disabilities?
A study of urinary retention in 346 Dutch people with moderate to very severe intellectual disabilities found undiagnosed urinary retention in 8.7%; total prevalence was 10.2%. Risk factors were higher age, the use of laxatives, a chronic disease other than epilepsy, very serious intellectual disability and immobility.
A study of 51 children with intellectual disabilities showed that 35.2% had problems with emptying the bladder, a percentage that was significantly higher than in the control group without intellectual disabilities (8.3%). More severe intellectual disability was associated with a higher risk of problems emptying the bladder.
A prevalence rate of 9% was found in a small study sample of people with Down syndrome.
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Blanker MH, Breed SA, van der Heide WK, Norg RJC, de Vries A, Wolters RJ, van den Donk M, Burgers JS, Opstelten W, Klomp MA. NHG-Standaard Mictieklachten bij mannen. Huisarts Wet 2013(3):56:114-22.
570Eizenga WH, Dautzenberg PLJ, Eekhof JAH, Scholtes ABJ, Van Venrooij MH, Verduijn MM, Wiersma Tj, Burgers JS, Van der Weele GM, e.a. NHG-Standaard Delier(eerste herziening). Huisarts Wet 2014;57(4):184-93.
Eizenga WH, Dautzenberg PLJ, Eekhof JAH, Scholtes ABJ, Van Venrooij MH, Verduijn MM, Wiersma Tj, Burgers JS, Van der Weele GM, e.a. NHG-Standaard Delier(eerste herziening). Huisarts Wet 2014;57(4):184-93.
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Kaplan SA, Wein AJ, Staskin DR, Roehrborn CG, Steers WD. Urinary retention and post-void residual urine in men: separating truth from tradition. J Urol. 2008 Jul;180(1):47-54.
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331Borrie MJ, Campbell K, Arcese ZA, Bray J, Hart P, Labate T, Hesch P. Urinary retention in patients in a geriatric rehabilitation unit: prevalence, risk factors, and validity of bladder scan evaluation. Rehabil Nurs. 2001 Sep-Oct;26(5):187-91.
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Barabas G, Mölstad S. No association between elevated post-void residual volume and bacteriuria in residents of nursing homes. Scand J Prim Health Care. 2005 Mar;23(1):52-6.
333Waal de KH, Tinselboer BM, Evenhuis HM, Penning C. Unnoticed post-void residual urine volume in people with moderate to severe intellectual disabilities: prevalence and risk factors. J Intellect Disabil Res. 2009 Sep;53(9):772-9.
Waal de KH, Tinselboer BM, Evenhuis HM, Penning C. Unnoticed post-void residual urine volume in people with moderate to severe intellectual disabilities: prevalence and risk factors. J Intellect Disabil Res. 2009 Sep;53(9):772-9.
571Yang PY, Meng NH, Chou EC.Voiding dysfunctions in children with mental retardation. Neurourol Urodyn. 2010 Sep;29(7):1272-5.
Yang PY, Meng NH, Chou EC.Voiding dysfunctions in children with mental retardation. Neurourol Urodyn. 2010 Sep;29(7):1272-5.
572Chicoine B, Sulo S. Rate of urinary retention in adults with down syndrome: a prospective study. J Am Board Fam Med. 2015 Jan-Feb;28(1):115-7.
Chicoine B, Sulo S. Rate of urinary retention in adults with down syndrome: a prospective study. J Am Board Fam Med. 2015 Jan-Feb;28(1):115-7.