Numans ME, De Wit NJ, Dirven JAM, Hurenkamp GJB, Meijer QCM, Muris JWM, Van der Laan JR, Van Balen JAM. NHG-Standaard Maagklachten (Tweede herziening). Huisarts Wet 2003;46(12): 690-700.

Numans ME, De Wit NJ, Dirven JAM, Hurenkamp GJB, Meijer QCM, Muris JWM, Van der Laan JR, Van Balen JAM. NHG-Standaard Maagklachten (Tweede herziening). Huisarts Wet 2003;46(12): 690-700.

Reflux (gastro-oesophageal reflux disease)

What is reflux? Our food and drink pass through the oesophagus into the stomach. Where the oesophagus meets the stomach, there is a round muscle that ensures that the stomach contents do not enter the...
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