Bloemers BL, van Furth AM, Weijerman ME, Gemke RJ, Broers CJ, van den Ende K, Kimpen JL, Strengers JL, Bont LJ. Down syndrome: a novel risk factor for respiratory syncytial virus bronchiolitis--a prospective birth-cohort study. Pediatrics. 2007 Oct;120(4):e1076-81

Bloemers BL, van Furth AM, Weijerman ME, Gemke RJ, Broers CJ, van den Ende K, Kimpen JL, Strengers JL, Bont LJ. Down syndrome: a novel risk factor for respiratory syncytial virus bronchiolitis--a prospective birth-cohort study. Pediatrics. 2007 Oct;120(4):e1076-81

Respiratory tract infections

What are respiratory tract infections? A distinction is made between infections in the upper respiratory and lower respiratory tracts. Upper respiratory tract infection This can be infections in the...
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