Schrojenstein Lantman-de Valk van HMJ, Metsemakers JFM, Haveman MJ, Crebolder HFJM. Health problems in people with intellectual disability in general practice: a comperative study. Familiy Practice 2000. Vol17.No5 405-7

Schrojenstein Lantman-de Valk van HMJ, Metsemakers JFM, Haveman MJ, Crebolder HFJM. Health problems in people with intellectual disability in general practice: a comperative study. Familiy Practice 2000. Vol17.No5 405-7


What are haemorrhoids? Haemorrhoids (piles) are swellings in the rectum and the anus that fill up with blood. They are caused by weakened blood vessels and they can be compared to varicose veins. They...
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