Van Lieshout J, Felix-Schollaart B, Bolsius EJM, Boer AM, Burgers JS, Bouma M, Sijbom M. NHG-Standaard Schildklieraandoeningen(Tweede herziening). Huisarts Wet 2013;56(7):320-330

Van Lieshout J, Felix-Schollaart B, Bolsius EJM, Boer AM, Burgers JS, Bouma M, Sijbom M. NHG-Standaard Schildklieraandoeningen(Tweede herziening). Huisarts Wet 2013;56(7):320-330

Thyroid conditions

What are thyroid conditions? The thyroid is the largest endocrine gland in the body and it releases the hormone thyroxine into the blood. The main function of this hormone is to regulate the metabolic...
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