Eizenga WH, Dautzenberg PLJ, Eekhof JAH, Scholtes ABJ, Van Venrooij MH, Verduijn MM, Wiersma Tj, Burgers JS, Van der Weele GM, e.a. NHG-Standaard Delier(eerste herziening). Huisarts Wet 2014;57(4):184-93

Eizenga WH, Dautzenberg PLJ, Eekhof JAH, Scholtes ABJ, Van Venrooij MH, Verduijn MM, Wiersma Tj, Burgers JS, Van der Weele GM, e.a. NHG-Standaard Delier(eerste herziening). Huisarts Wet 2014;57(4):184-93


What is constipation? Constipation (or obstipation) is the medical term for obstruction. There are not enough stools, or they may be over-hard or difficult to eject. The colon pushes stools into the...
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