What is thrombosis?
Thrombosis means the formation of a blood clot in a blood vessel. The clot may gradually increase in size and close off the blood vessel, usually in the deep veins of the leg. The veins carry the blood from the feet, through the calf, knee cavity and pelvis, back to the heart. The heart then pumps this blood to the lungs.
If a clot closes off a deep vein in the leg, the blood from the leg may no longer flow back properly to the heart. If a piece of clot breaks off, the circulation will take it to the heart. The blood then flows to the lungs, where the clot may close off a blood vessel. This is known as a pulmonary embolism.
Risk factors for thrombosis are prolonged sitting and immobility, recent injury and a recent operation in combination with bed rest and little physical activity. Operations involving the hip, lower leg and bone fractures are notorious. Other risk factors are: neurological conditions involving palsy, cancer, varicose veins, overweight, chronic diseases, hereditary clotting disorders, pregnancy, maternity and the use of oral contraceptives.
What are the complaints associated with thrombosis?
Thrombosis in the lower leg may cause the calf to swell and look shiny. This condition can develop suddenly or over the course of a few days. The leg becomes painful, and often red and warm as well. In some cases, thrombosis will result in almost no complaints. A pulmonary embolism will cause breathing to accelerate, there is tightness in the chest, breathing may be painful and mucus is coughed up, sometimes with a little blood.
How common is thrombosis in the general population?
The one-year prevalence of thrombosis in Dutch general practice is 0.28%. Thrombosis is more common in women than in men and prevalence increases with age: in men from 0.03% (15 to 24 years) to 1.57% (> 75 years); in women from 0.06% (15 to 24 years) to 1.56% (> 75 years).
How common is thrombosis in people with intellectual disabilities?
This is not known.
168NHG-werkgroep Diepe veneuze trombose en longembolie. NHG-Standaard Diepe veneuze trombose en longembolie(Eerste herziening). Huisarts Wet 2015;58(1):26-35
NHG-werkgroep Diepe veneuze trombose en longembolie. NHG-Standaard Diepe veneuze trombose en longembolie(Eerste herziening). Huisarts Wet 2015;58(1):26-35
168NHG-werkgroep Diepe veneuze trombose en longembolie. NHG-Standaard Diepe veneuze trombose en longembolie(Eerste herziening). Huisarts Wet 2015;58(1):26-35
NHG-werkgroep Diepe veneuze trombose en longembolie. NHG-Standaard Diepe veneuze trombose en longembolie(Eerste herziening). Huisarts Wet 2015;58(1):26-35
169Linden van der MW, Wester GP, de Bakker DH, Schellevis FG. Tweede Nationale Studie naar ziekten en verrichtingen in de huisartspraktijk: klachten en aandoeningen in de bevolking en in de huisartspraktijk. Utrecht/Bilthoven: NIVEL/RIVM 2004
Linden van der MW, Wester GP, de Bakker DH, Schellevis FG. Tweede Nationale Studie naar ziekten en verrichtingen in de huisartspraktijk: klachten en aandoeningen in de bevolking en in de huisartspraktijk. Utrecht/Bilthoven: NIVEL/RIVM 2004